Terms and Conditions


This instrument governs the general terms and conditions (hereinafter the TERMS AND CONDITIONS) applicable to the use by any person (hereinafter the USER) of the contents, products and services offered by the Dutch company Chamba Services B.V. (hereinafter the HOLDER), through the platform virtual “CHAMBA SERVICES” and the website: www.chambaservices.com (hereinafter the PLATFORM) offered by the presenter or owner of the brand consisting of facilitating the connection of people with the capacity and ability to do so (hereinafter PARTICIPANTS) for the offer to the public in services or trades in different activities and areas, according to the criteria and requirements provided in the PLATFORM, and under the terms and conditions established here.

Any person who wishes to access or use the PLATFORM or the services offered therein, may do so subject to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, as well as the policies and principles incorporated into this document; in any case, any person who does not accept these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, you must refrain from using the PLATFORM, as well as acquiring the goods and services that in your case they are offered, or make use of the images and graphic and written information found in the PLATFORM


The purpose of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS is to regulate the access and use of the PLATFORM, understanding by this any type of system or digital platform that has content or services made available available to the general public within the domain or virtual medium that the OWNER will present to the USER, with keys, passwords and username for proper entry and use.


The HOLDER will offer the USER content in the form of services, according to search criteria by trade, location, area and disposition, in order to interact with the PARTICIPANT to obtain from him a quote for the required service. The USER and the PARTICIPANT will determine the cost and conditions specific to the service or trade, which will be registered in the PLATFORM.

The HOLDER reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice, the contents, the services or trades, the presentation, images, form or content of the PLATFORM and the configuration of income that may be contained therein; likewise, the USER acknowledges and accepts that the OWNER, in At any time, you may interrupt, deactivate or cancel any of the elements that make up the PLATFORM or access to it, when the causes for it are presented, in the terms of this instrument.


The use of the PLATFORM by the USER has no cost, however, to have access to the itself, you must provide the information requested for identification, such as email and name complete. For access, the USER will have the right to have a user account and personal password and non-transferable in her favor, without being able to lend or give said username and password to any person.

The USER exempts the HOLDER from any type of responsibility regarding the cost of internet connection, same as the USER must pay independently for the use of the PLATFORM, as well as related to the speed, quality or intermittency of the connection and/or internet signal of the provider that the USER has for this purpose.

Access to part of the contents and services of the PLATFORM must be done with prior subscription or prior registration on the PLATFORM.

Once a USER is unsubscribed from the PLATFORM, they will not be able to access it, nor the services offered, so if she wanted to re-enter, she must do so through the same original entry mechanism, or, with a message to the email address info@chamba-services.com or by calling the phone provided for this purpose, indicating "I REQUEST ACCESS".


The access and use of the WEBSITE or PLATFORM, as well as the resources enabled to interact between the USERS and PARTICIPANTS or between them and the HOLDER, as means to make publications, comments or any other, confers on the person who performs said activity the condition of USER of the SITE WEB or PLATFORM, so it will be subject to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, as well as its subsequent modifications; without prejudice to the application of current legislation, and therefore, will be taken as accepted from the moment the PLATFORM is accessed.

The USER will be responsible for reviewing the updates made to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

The PLATFORM is aimed mainly at USERS residing in the Mexican Republic, for which the OWNER does not ensure that the PLATFORM fully or partially complies with the legislation of other countries, so that if the USER receives or has its domicile established in another country and decides to access the use of the PLATFORM, he will do so under his own responsibility, subject to Mexican regulations and jurisdiction, and must ensure that such access and navigation comply with local legislation applicable to the Mexican Republic, Therefore, the HOLDER does not assume any responsibility that may derive from said act.

It is the responsibility of the USER to use the PLATFORM according to the way in which it was designed; in this sense should refrain from using any type of software that automates the interaction or download of content or services provided through the PLATFORM.

The USER undertakes to make responsible, lawful and adequate use of all the information, contents, services, goods or products offered through the PLATFORM, not to contravene the provisions of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, morality, public order, as well as refrain from performing any act that involves an affectation to the rights of third parties or harms the operation of the PLATFORM.

The USER undertakes to provide lawful, true and truthful information in the forms that are enable in the PLATFORM in which the USER has to grant certain data or information for access to any content, appointment, quote, location, good, trade, product or service offered on the PLATFORM.

In such a case, the USER will immediately notify the HOLDER about any fact that he allows suppose the improper use of the information registered in said forms, such as theft, loss or access unauthorized access to accounts and passwords in order to proceed with their immediate cancellation.

The OWNER reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate the law, the respect between people, their dignity, that violate the rights of third parties, public order, moral or that are in any way illegal or inappropriate with respect to the subject matter and content of the PLATFORM.

The HOLDER will not be responsible in any way for the opinions expressed by the USERS through comments or publications that they make on the WEBSITE and PLATFORM.

The mere access to the WEBSITE and PLATFORM implies acceptance of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, but does not imply the existence of any labor relationship or any other similar nature between the OWNER and the USER.


The USER acknowledges that the content of the WEBSITE and the PLATFORM belong exclusively to the OWNER, Therefore, the rights established in terms of intellectual property must be respected at all times. the laws in your favor and avoid any type of use outside the PLATFORM, especially if it is use for commercial or speculative purposes.

The USER undertakes to make responsible, lawful and adequate use of all the information, contents or services offered through the PLATFORM and without violating the provisions of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the morality, public order, as well as refrain from performing any act that affects the rights of third parties or harm the operation of the PLATFORM, being that you also have the right to leave of the same with total freedom or not make use of any service or trade.

The HOLDER does not guarantee in any way the continuity and availability of the contents, goods, trades or services offered through the PLATFORM, however, the HOLDER may carry out the actions according to their own possibilities to maintain the proper functioning of the same, without otherwise means any responsibility for the OWNER.

The OWNER will not be responsible, nor will it guarantee that the content or software accessed through the PLATFORM, is free of errors, malicious software or that can cause any damage at the level of software or hardware on the computer through which the USER accesses the PLATFORM.

The OWNER is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by improper use of the WEBSITE and PLATFORM, nor with respect to losses, damages or damages of any kind or nature that could be caused by the sole access or use of both.


The USER formally declares in this act that he does not belong to any criminal group or gang dedicated to organized crime, nor engage in any illegal activity and that the income he obtains, from the which will make the payment for the use of the PLATFORM and to the PARTICIPANT(s), come from lawful sources not related to activities such as those described here, including but not limited to; washing of money, embezzlement, tax evasion, tax crimes, corruption, kidnapping, drug trafficking, terrorism or any other provided for in federal or state criminal law.

Therefore, he defines in this act the OWNER, his partners, shareholders, employees, suppliers, associates, teachers or workers from any responsibility that may arise in relation to the origin, origin and obtaining of the resources with which the USER will pay the PARTICIPANT for the use and/or use of their services or trades obtained through the PLATFORM.


The HOLDER does not guarantee in any way the continuity and availability of the contents offered through of the PLATFORM, however, the HOLDER may carry out the actions according to their own possibilities to maintain the proper functioning of the PLATFORM, without the contrary meaning any responsibility for the OWNER.

The USER acknowledges that the HOLDER may administer or manage access to the PLATFORM directly or through a third party, which does not modify in any way what is established in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

However, the HOLDER will not be responsible to the USER for the service provided by the PARTICIPANT or nor from the internet service provider.

The access and use of the PLATFORM, as well as the resources enabled to interact between the USERS or between the USER and the HOLDER, as means to make publications, comments or any other another, confers on the person who performs said activity the condition of USER of the PLATFORM, for which reason will be subject to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, as well as their subsequent modifications; notwithstanding of the provisions of the applicable legislation, and therefore, they will be considered accepted from the moment in which the PLATFORM is accessed.


In the event that any PARTICIPANT offers the USER additional or different products or services to those offered on the PLATFORM, and the latter agrees to it, said relationship will be absolutely independent of the HOLDER, Therefore, he will not be responsible in any way for claims of any kind derived from a probable relationship between PARTICIPANT and USER.

The USER declares and accepts that by visiting the PLATFORM to schedule an appointment with the PARTICIPANT, he has a genuine and legitimate interest in the acquisition of any of the goods or services offered in the PLATFORM, for which he also declares that he has sufficient financial means to make the payments corresponding for the services provided or to be provided.

The USER undertakes to pay all applicable taxes derived from the operations described in this instrument. The USER undertakes to pay all amounts owed against the simple claim of the party of the HOLDER or of whom his rights represent. Some of the goods, products and/or services that the USER may purchase and/or download on or through the PLATFORM, may be subject to terms and conditions additional information that, where appropriate, will be presented to you at the time of said purchase or download.

Upon signing, paying and accepting the TERMS AND CONDITIONS for the use of the PLATFORM, the USER declares and guarantees that they are at least 18 years old, that they have the legal capacity to be bound by these terms and is bound to comply with the commitment that, if applicable, is acquired by the use of the PLATFORM and the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


The OWNER by itself and as an authorized party granted or licensed, is the owner of all the rights of intellectual and industrial property of the WEBSITE and PLATFORM, understanding by this, the source code that makes its operation possible, as well as the images, audio files, video, logos, brands, combinations of colors, structures, designs and other elements that distinguish it.

In this sense, all the previous elements and contents of the PLATFORM, or these in themselves, remain protected by Mexican legislation on intellectual and industrial property, as well as by the international treaties to which Mexico is a party.

It is expressly prohibited any reproduction, distribution or dissemination of contents of the PLATFORM with commercial purposes, on any support and by any means without the authorization of the OWNER.

The USER undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the OWNER, not However, in addition to being able to view the elements of the PLATFORM, he may print, copy and store them, as long as it is for your strictly personal use and without profit or activity commercial.

It is expressly forbidden to delete, alter, manipulate or modify any element, file or content of the PLATFORM, as well as attempting to violate or violate their security.

In the event that the USER or a third party considers that any of the content of the PLATFORM or the SITE WEB supposes a violation of the rights of protection of intellectual or industrial property, it must notify the HOLDER immediately, through the contact details available on the PLATFORM or the following medium: info@chamba-services.com

Nothing established on the PLATFORM or on the WEBSITE and these TERMS AND CONDITIONS shall be interpreted as a grant of a license or right to use any brand displayed within it, Therefore, it cannot be used or carried out without the express written permission of the OWNER or the legitimate owners of the trademark in question.

The OWNER is not responsible for the use of intellectual property rights made in the provision of the services or trades provided by the PARTICIPANTS. The USER undertakes to respect any type of intellectual property right that may derive from the PLATFORM and WEBSITE, so you will avoid any type of commercialization, profit, revenue or profit, with penalty of the responsibility that for damages and damages caused to the OWNER.


In this sense, all the previous elements and contents of the PLATFORM and WEBSITE, as well as the brands of "CHAMBA SERVICES" or "PARTICIPANTS", are registered trademarks that are protected by the authorities federal and the Ministry of Economy, as well as by Mexican legislation on property intellectual and industrial and international treaties to which Mexico is a party.


In no case, the HOLDER, its members, shareholders, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, teachers, agents or suppliers, will be responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive, directly or indirectly related to the use or incapacity to use the PLATFORM and WEBSITE or the contents, materials and functions related to it, nor regarding the commercial, professional or service relationship that is carried out between the USER and the PARTICIPANT.

The HOLDER will not be responsible in any way for the service, trade or professional activity provided by the PARTICIPANT to the USER, so that, in this act, the USER expressly accepts that the HOLDER only provides the PLATFORM as a means of contact between USER and PARTICIPANT, without that the foregoing implies any responsibility for the quality, quantity, error, fraud, negligence, fault or any other similar that may exist between PARTICIPANT and USER.

The HOLDER will not be responsible for any type of administrative, criminal, civil, commercial, labor or of any other nature committed by the PARTICIPANT in the provision of a service or trade to the USER, so the USER expressly accepts in this act that no legal action is reserved against the HOLDER, regarding the activity and relationship agreed with the PARTICIPANT.

The USER accepts in this act, that any acceptance of a service or trade that is within the PLATFORM and WEBSITE, implies an absolutely independent relationship from the HOLDER, for which reason the latter, will lack any type of responsibility and legal effect, with respect to the relationship that in its case between the PARTICIPANT and the USER.

The USER accepts that the PARTICIPANT will be solely responsible for the compliance that he must carry out, regarding to the provision of the respective service or trade, to the laws on commercial, civil, labor, administrative, intellectual or industrial property, environmental, fiscal, financial or criminal, so that in This act releases the HOLDER from any claim and responsibility and undertakes to remove him safely and in peace of any demand, claim, denunciation or legal controversy that is filed by the USER or third parties, for the provision of the service itself granted by the PARTICIPANT.


The provision of the PLATFORM AND/OR WEBSITE service and its related elements have a duration indefinitely, as long as they are active. However, the HOLDER may terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time and without the need for prior notice, the provision of the services of the PLATFORM and/or any of its related elements, without the need for prior notice, acceptance or will on the part of the USER.

The HOLDER may terminate access to the PLATFORM with respect to the USER, when there is a inappropriate behavior regarding PARTICIPANT, other users, teachers or members related to the HOLDER, so that said cancellation will not give rise to any responsibility of the HOLDER.


The terms, the relationship between the USER and the OWNER, as well as any activity related to the use of the PLATFORM AND/OR WEBSITE and its elements are subject to current legislation in Mexico City, Mexico.

The parties expressly accept that in the event of any controversy regarding the interpretation or application of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS or any other of a legal nature with respect to the USER and the OWNER, in the use of the PLATFORM, submit to the jurisdiction of the competent courts located in the Mexico City, Mexico.

I declare that by accessing this Platform and Website I accept in all its terms these Terms and Conditions.


This informative text, its respective attached files and the information contained therein, is confidential and restricted and is intended solely for the use of the person or persons to whom it is addressed, therefore, you are notified that any diffusion, distribution or copy of it is strictly prohibited.


The information contained in this text and related attachments, is privileged and confidential, and is intended only for the use of the individual named above and others who have been specifically authorized to receive it, so any publication, dissemination or copy of it is strictly prohibited.